You're ready to learn all about your pelvic floor!

Sign up today to connect to your vulva, core, and pelvic floor, whether you are pregnant, postpartum, or neither!

The Muff 'n' Stuff is a 4 part webinar course series taught by Dr. Lauren Mallari-Snyder & Dr. Julieann Berg,
pelvic floor physical therapists at Thrive Physical Therapy!

Purchase the course series!

Module 1: The Basics

Module 2: Strong AF with Diastasis Recti

Module 3: How to not Prolapse, Pee, or Poop (when you don't want to)

Module 4: That Good Good

$139 for all 4 modules

$39 per module, mix & match

Module 1: The Basics

Gain body literacy by learning the anatomy of your vulva, pelvic floor, pelvis, abdomen and spine. Learn the keys to a healthy pelvic floor and core and how they can affect your bladder, strength, pleasure, and orgasms.

Module 2: Strong AF with Diastasis Recti

AKA abdominal separation. Learn what DR actually is, how to assess yourself for DR, how to exercise with DR and how to use posture and breath to your advantage.

Module 3: How to Not Prolapse, Pee, or Poop (when you don't want to!)

Learn common reasons you might leak pee, leak poop or feel something down there you’ve never felt before. Then, learn tips to prevent or improve these very common, but unwanted symptoms!

Module 4: That Good Good

For when that Good Good (aka sex) is not as good as you’d like it. Learn why you might have pain with sex or are straight up uninterested. Then, learn what to do about it and take steps toward your erotic reclamation with special guest speaker, Tamica Wilder!

for all things Thrive...